Prozac Nation (film)

September 8, 2001 Canada

Elizabeth Lizzie Wurtzel is a 19yearold girl accepted into Harvard with a scholarship in journalism. She has been raised by her divorced mother since she was two years old and hasnt seen her father at all in the last four years. Despite his lack of interest and involvement, Lizzie still misses her father, a contributing factor to her depression. Through a series of flashbacks, it is clear that there was a total communication breakdown between Lizzies parents, which is soon reflected in Lizzies own relationship with her mother.Soon after arriving at Harvard, Lizzie decides to lose her virginity to an older student, Noah. Lizzie proceeds to alienate Noah by throwing a lossofvirginity party immediately afterwards with the help of her roommate Ruby. Although best friends in the beginning, Ruby soon becomes another casualty of Lizzies instability. Although Lizzies article for the local music column in The Harvard Crimson is presented an award by Rolling Stone early into the semester, Lizzie soon finds herself unable to write, stuck in a vicious cycle with substance abuse. ........

Source: Wikipedia